
參考Berliner Platz neu 1- Lektion1 Hallo!


名字 Name

  • Hallo! Ich heiße_____. Wie heißen Sie?     嗨!我叫_____. 您叫什麼名字呢?
  • Mein Name ist_____.                               我的名字是____.
  • Ich bin____.                                           我是____.
  • Wie bitte?                                               不好意思?(沒聽懂)
  • Bitte buchstabieren Sie?                          請您拼一下好嗎?


  • Wer ist das?   他是誰?
  • Das ist Monica. 他是Monica.
  • Entschuldigung. Wie ist Ihr Name? 抱歉,請問您的大名是?
  • Ihr Name bitte? 請告訴我您的名字。


der Nachname(Familienname):姓

der Vorname : 名


故鄉 Heimat & 國家 Land & 居住地 Wohnort

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Greece at new risk of being pushed off euro

ATHENS — It took months for international finance officials to piece together a bailout that was acceptable to Greek leaders. But it took voters just 12 hours at the polls to deal it a hard blow, leaving Greece on Monday at renewed risk of being pushed off the euro currency once and for all.


Infuriated by demands for harsh spending cuts that could exacerbate a crippling recession, Greek voters on Sunday overwhelmingly rejected politicians who had supported the $171 billion bailout that is keeping the country from bankruptcy. After just hours of trying to form a coalition government Monday, Antonis Samaras, head of the top-vote-getting New Democracy party, gave up, giving an anti-bailout party a stab at it.(?)

希臘民眾對於可能造朝經濟惡化的嚴苛削減支出要求,用選票嚴苛拒絕了那些支持挽救國家面臨破產、171億歐元援助方案的候選人。禮拜一,僅僅經過一小時努力嘗試組成一個聯合政府後,Antomis Samaras,最高票當選的新民黨領袖,放棄了。

But European leaders showed little inclination to back down from their austerity demands, setting the stage for a clash over Greece’s future that could quickly spread beyond the country’s borders.


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Earlier this month, for the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic, the incumbent(現任) failed to take the lead in the first round of a French presidential election. Now, before the second round, scheduled for Sunday, surveys indicate that President Nicolas Sarkozy will be beaten handily(輕而易舉地) by François Hollande, the Socialist Party candidate. So handily, in fact, that the French press has already moved on to speculating(猜測) about the legislative elections that will take place in June.

本月稍早,法國第五共和史上第一次現任總統候選人在第一輪總統選舉中失去第一的寶座。如今,在預定禮拜天的第二輪投票過後,民調顯示現任總統Nicolas Sarkozy將會被法國社會黨候選人François Hollande輕易地擊敗。如此輕而易舉地-事實上,法國媒體已經著手預測預定六月舉行的國會議員選舉。

Chances are that the outcome in June will be determined by the same issues that dominated the first round of voting in the presidential election, which have dominated the second round as well. So it is telling that the far-right National Front, headed by Marine Le Pen, doubled its vote share in the first round compared with 2007. And much of the increase came from voters who had picked Sarkozy last time, according to estimates from exit polls. That arithmetic helped Hollande, a lower-profile(低姿態) figure who was a member of the group of Socialists nurtured by François Mitterrand during his long presidency, nose ahead in the race.

六月國會議員選舉結果極可能被影響第一、二輪總統大選相同的議題所左右。意指,由Marine Le Pen帶領的極右派「民族陣線」,在第一輪總統大選中得票比2007多出雙倍,且這些多出來的票源來自2007年支持薩柯奇的選民。(參考根據來自「選票口民調」的預測法。)這也幫助了奧朗德--一個由密特朗長久的任期中培育出的社會派溫和人物--在選舉中大幅領先。

The National Front surge has effectively set the political agenda for the coming months, and the party will influence the priorities of whatever government comes next. Indeed, French populism is in vogue(流行) once again. Each of the four major candidates has run a nationalist campaign, although of slightly different varieties.


After the first round of voting, barely a quarter of voters surveyed cited "the issues" as the reason they made their choice.


On the right, Nicolas Sarkozy has focused on immigration -- in particular, undocumented immigration, the vulnerability of French borders, and France's Muslim population. He has committed to "preserve our way of life," emphasizing the dangers of immigration. Le Pen has done the same, but with a greater emphasis on Euro-skepticism, more criticism of the euro, and a defense of the French welfare state. 

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Cilvil Society 市民社會(公民社會):相對現代的觀念-社會vs.政府兩元的思考模式


Ex. 殖民地發展出群體意識,以尋求在政治意識上的表達







Viele Möglichkeiten:集權、威權的(社會被壓抑)、民主化(國家本身只是社會的殼子,瑞士接近)

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